The Department of Social Welfare and Development field office 12 continues to expand the number of poor households in the region that have availed of at least two (2) social welfare and development (SWD) programs.

The Strategic Goal Number Two (SG 2) of the department calls for the expansion of the number of Listahanan- identified poor households covered by at least two SWD programs from 3.9 to 5.2 million by 2016.

Part of the monitoring steps that DSWD 12 takes adherence to said SG is feedback reports gathering from the local government units on how they have utilized the Listahanan database.

Bai Zorahayda T. Taha, DSWD 12 director said, “we went to know what programs and services in terms of social protection were given to the poor families”

“This, in turn, will answer our goal to provide at least 2 SWD programs to our Listahanan identified poor households,” Taha said.

The National Household Targeting Unit (NHTU) facilitates the monitoring. DSWD XII targets a total of 294, 000 of the 296, 043 households in the region to be covered by at least two social welfare and development programs and services.

To date, a total of fourteen (14) LGUs have existing Memorandum of Agreement with DSWD. Most of which have entered MOAs with the department late last year.

Meanwhile, data sharing is the final phase of the Listhanan formerly known the National Household Targeting System for Poverty Reduction (NHTS-PR) cycle where the generated data are made available for utilization of stakeholders in choosing potential beneficiaries for their social protection, programs and services. ###­